Recent News

Nov. 8, 2017
PhD Students Receive Jonas Global Fellowships
PhD student Jennifer O'Connor was selected to receive an MU Jonas Global Fellowship, funded by Jonas Center for Nursing & Veterans Healthcare, which provides global health research experiences for graduate nursing students. Jennifer traveled to the Dominican Republic in October 2017 with Dr. Maithe Enriquez to conduct a study to determine the prevalence of foot…

Oct. 17, 2017
Dr. Marilyn Rantz Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Marilyn Rantz, PhD, RN, FAAN, was recognized by one of her alma maters October 6, 2017.

Oct. 9, 2017
PhD Student Inducted into the American Academy of Nursing
Sharon Ann Van Wicklin, MS(N), RN, CNOR, CRNFA(E), CPSN-R, PLNC, was inducted as a fellow into the prestigious American Academy of Nursing at the American Academy of Nursing fall meeting October 5-7 in Washington, D.C. Sharon is currently pursuing a PhD in Nursing from the Sinclair School of Nursing and is mentored by Vicki Conn,…

Sept. 14, 2017
SSON welcomes first Fulbright Scholar to PhD program
The Sinclair School of Nursing (SSON) is pleased to welcome its first Fulbright Scholar to the school. Justina Yevu Johnson comes to the University of Missouri from Tema, Greater Accra, Ghana, where she was a nursing instructor at Central University College. Justina knew she wanted to pursue a PhD, so when the opportunity presented itself…

July 19, 2017
Jonas Center Renews Jonas Global Fellowship
The Jonas Center announced last week they have approved the Sinclair School of Nursing's Jonas Global Fellowship for two more years. The Jonas Global Fellowship provides global health research experiences for graduate nursing students, such as DNP student Beth Mettes, RN, BSN. Beth traveled to the Dominican Republic as part of the MU team to…

July 18, 2017
2017-2020 NINR Funded T32 Health Behavior Science Pre-Doctoral Fellows Selected
The MU Sinclair School of Nursing is pleased to announce Laura Remy, MPH, RN, of Kansas City, Mo., and Maureen Varty, BSN, RN, of Washington, D.C., have been selected as National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) funded T32 Health Behavior Science Pre-Doctoral Fellowship recipients for 2017-2020. As a PhD student, Laura is studying the development…

July 12, 2017
SSON Helps Launch New Online Graduate Certificate in Participatory Health Research
The University of Missouri is working to increase the number of researchers who use a patient-centered and community-engaged approach to their work by launching a new online graduate certificate in participatory health research. "When researchers, community members, social welfare experts and health care administrators work as partners to conduct research projects, there is an increase…