The MU Nursing Alumni Board of Directors represents YOU in developing alumni events, student support and projects to support the missions of the Sinclair School of Nursing. All Mizzou Nursing alumni are eligible to run for a two-year term on the Board of Directors. The board meets twice a year. Nominations for open board positions are each spring. Your involvement is essential in creating a dedicated and diverse board representing the greater alumni body. To express your interest in the Board of Directors, other leadership opportunities or with questions, please contact Donna Otto at

Jeri Doty
MS(N) ’81

Christina Hoff Vollrath BSN’92 MS(N)’09 DNP’21
BSN ’11
President Elect

Sue Fowler
BSN ’11
Past President

Courtney McLain Miller
BSN ’12 MS(N) ’18
Secretary / Treasurer
- Becky Arand BSN’10
- Jessica Bangert BSN’13
- Eric Bean BSN’19
- Mary Sue Beck MS(N)’84
- Austyn Patrice Belle Isle BSN’07
- Erika Buchheit BSN’17
- Sharon Burnett BSN’89
- Jane Cooper BSN’77, MS(N)’97
- Katy Decker BSN’08, DNP’16
- Debra Deeken BSN’92, MS(N)’10, DNP’19
- Susan Devaney BSN’72, MS(N)‘80
- Jane Dozier BSN’00
- Eileen Dyer BSN’68
- Angela Elmore BSN’92
- Cordelia Esry BSN’55
- Pam Evans-Smith MS(N)’01, PhD’14
- Faye Fairchild BSN’85, MSN’89, DNP‘19
- Julie Fitterling BSN’86
- Winnie Fritz BSN’68
- Debra Gayer MS(N)’81
- Amanda Hall BSN’10
- Madison Herweck BSN’22
- Nancy Hubbard BSN’02
- Darlene Huff BSN’65, MS(N)’79
- Terry Jackson BSN’78
- Chris Johanning BSN’08
- Megan Johanning BSN’13
- Ruth Jones MS(N)’89
- Glenda Kelly BSN’71, MS(N)’85
- Kristine L’Ecuyer BSN’87
- Annette Lueckenotte BSN’72
- Emilie Maas BSN’23
- Gabriel Machado BSN’22
- Jennifer Maddox BNS’93
- Dick Otto BSBA’71, MPA’88
- Donna Otto BSN’72, MS(N)’81
- Sean Pridgeon DNP’21
- Laura Remy-Martin BSN’12, PhD’20
- Gail Roberson BSN’72
- Jean Thompson BSN‘63
- Linda Smith BSN’72
- Julie Stumpf BSN’10
- Connie Wissbaum BSN’07 DNP’20
Emeriti Directors
- Caroline Davis BSN’65, MS(N)’90
- Doris Asselmeier England BSN’60
Ex-officio Members
- Lori Popejoy BSN’93, MS(N)‘96, PhD‘07, Dean
- Cheryl Byrd, Alumni Engagement