Pillars of Excellence

The MU Sinclair School of Nursing’s goals as set forth in our strategic plan.

Student Success

Students at the University of Missouri are the core of our institution and our future. We are dedicated to their success at MU and beyond.

MU Sinclair School of Nursing will proactively champion student success through academic excellence and the continued development, growth and retention of our faculty and evidence-based teaching and learning practices.

Research and Creative Works

The University of Missouri is a premier research institution with faculty, staff and students creating and discovering new technologies, arts, media content and publications every day that transform the lives of Missourians and citizens of the globe.

MU Sinclair School of Nursing will build research capacity, support core and emerging research strength areas and provide opportunities for student research and scholarship.        

Engagement and Outreach

MU demonstrates excellence in engagement and outreach through activities and initiatives conducted by colleges, schools, units and as part of the University of Missouri System.

MU Sinclair School of Nursing will promote private and public partnerships while increasing alumni engagement and our state-wide presence and recognition.

Inclusive Excellence

MU has adopted an Inclusive Excellence model, which hinges on a cohesive, coherent and collaborative integration of diversity, inclusion and equity into MU’s pursuit of excellence.

MU Sinclair School of Nursing will foster a culture of inclusivity that encompasses our curriculum, program design, faculty and staff development and the active engagement of our Inclusive Excellence Committee.

Planning, Operations and Stewardship

Transparency will help us be the stable, trusted university that Missouri deserves. At MU, we want to continue to be good stewards in every sense of the phrase.

MU Sinclair School of Nursing will expand and refine the current uses of data in our decision-making processes and strive to achieve operational efficiency, while fostering staff growth and development.