Research, Page 8


PhD Student Receives Jonas Global Fellowship

University of Missouri Sinclair School of Nursing PhD student Tammie Conley was selected to receive a Jonas Global Fellowship. The Jonas Global Fellowship, funded by the Jonas Center, provides global health research experiences for graduate nursing students. Tammie and her advisor Dr. Maithe Enriquez traveled to the Dominican Republic in October 2014 to evaluate the…

T32 headshots

2016-2019 NINR Funded T32 Health Behavior Science Pre-Doctoral Fellows Selected

The MU Sinclair School of Nursing is pleased to announce Julio Loya, BSN, RN, CMSRN, of Marana, AZ, and Jennifer O'Connor, MSN, RN, CFCN, CNE, of Broken Arrow, OK, have been selected as National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) funded T32 Health Behavior Science Pre-Doctoral Fellowship recipients for 2016-2019. As a PhD student, Mr. Loya…

Sinclair School of Nursing receives $19.8 Million Grant.

Sinclair School of Nursing Receives $19.8 Million Grant

Sinclair School of Nursing is working to create a national model for senior care and significantly reduce national health care spending.

DNP Graduate Wins Ribbon at MNRS for Poster Presentation

April 19, 2016University of Missouri Sinclair School of Nursing DNP graduate Shelby Thomas, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, CLNC, found herself with a ribbon at the 40th Annual Research Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS). The conference was held in Milwaukee,…


PhD Student Wins Dean’s Award for Poster Presentation

Nov. 12, 2015Jennifer O’Connor, second year MU SSON PhD student, received the Sinclair School of Nursing Dean’s Award for her research poster “Leisure Time Physical Inactivity, Obesity, and Diabetes Rates in the Southern United States” at the University of Missouri’s Health Sciences Research Day on Thursday, November 12th, 2015. Jennifer’s research mentor is Deidre Wipke-Tevis…

Local PhD Program Graduate Accepts Position in Utah

Aug. 11, 2015Dr. Jennifer Hulett, a May 2015 PhD graduate of the MU Sinclair School of Nursing, has accepted a post-doctoral fellowship from the University of Utah, College of Nursing. Dr. Hulett will be supported by an NIH funded Institutional Training Grant (T32) awarded to the University of Utah College of Nursing entitled “Interdisciplinary Training…

Student Program Teaches Preschoolers the Importance of Washing Their Hands

Nov. 7, 2014A group of University of Missouri Sinclair School of Nursing students found themselves putting on a clinic inside a classroom. It was the first event ever for the program, Sharing Health Hand by Hand.Nursing students were teaching proper hand hygiene to a class of preschool students with developmental needs. Program leaders say the…

SSON Associate Professor Teaching Health Care Providers to Identify Signs of Domestic Violence

Sept. 19, 2014COLUMBIA, Mo. – National data shows, on average, three women are murdered every day by a partner or ex-partner. More than 1 in 3 women experience partner violence in their lifetime. However, an emphasis to identify the signs of abuse is being taught by a Sinclair School of Nursing (SSON) faculty member.“New national…

Women’s Contraceptive Use Correlates to Sex Education and Moral Attitudes

The findings provide a better understanding of the factors involved in women’s decisions about contraceptives and can assist health professionals and educators in developing interventions to improve acceptance and correct use of contraceptives.

A Look at Hip Fracture Recovery in the Elderly

Oct. 10, 2013An interview with Associate Professor Lori Popejoy was recently featured on Popejoy discussed her paper, Patterns and problems associated with transitions after hip fracture in older adults. She wrote the paper, along with Karen Marek of the ASU College of Nursing & Health Innovation, and Jill Scott-Cawiezell of the University of Iowa…