PhD Prepared Faculty

Postdoctoral Fellows

Karry Weston


  • Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Preparing Future Faculty – Inclusive Excellence
Karry Weston

Dr. Weston’s research is focused on health inequities among rural and low socioeconomic status maternal child populations. She is particularly focused on rural childbearing women’s uptake of health promoting behaviors, such as breastfeeding, health screenings, mental health services, and prescription use that could impact the health of rural communities overall. She is interested in understanding how the concept of habitus, or community and contextual factors, influence rural women’s worldview and impact health-related decision making.

  • Advanced Practice Nurses’ ECHO Involvement, MU Postdoctoral Association Research Grant, K. Weston (PI), 12/2024-12/2025
  • Preparing Future Faculty for Inclusive Excellence (PFFIE) Postdoctoral Scholar, 2024-2026
  • PhD Student Award for Overall Excellence, Mizzou Nursing Alumni Organization, 2024
  • Graduate Student of Distinction Award, MU Graduate School, 2022
  • Impact of Rural Habitus on First-time Mothers’ Feeding Choices, NIH/NINR F31 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, 2022-2024
  • Weston, K., Anbari, A. B., Bloom, T., Everett, K., & Bullock, L. (2024). Expectations and perspectives about infant feeding of their first child among rural women. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing
  • McElroy, J. A., Weston, K., Spence, K., & Wilson, G. (2024). Systematic review of the trajectory of patterns of distress over the cancer continuum among people living with cancer in the United States. Medical Research Archives, [online] 12(2).
  • Weston, K., Anbari, A., & Bullock, L. (2023). The work of breastfeeding among women of low socioeconomic status: A qualitative metasynthesis. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 10. doi:10.1177/2333393623116113
  • Weston, K., Bullock, L., Hsu, A. L., Wan, X. F. H., Burnam-Cole, M., Everett, K. D., & McElroy, J. A. (2023). Maternal COVID vaccination and breastfeeding during a pandemic: Habitus and health behavior decision making. Public Health Nursing, 00, 1– 8.
  • McElroy, J. A., Waindim, F., Weston, K., Wilson, G. (2022). A systematic review of the translation and validation methods used for the NCCN distress thermometer in non-English speaking countries, Psycho-Oncology, 31:1267–1274. DOI: 10.1002/pon.5989
  • Weston, K. Anbari, A., Bloom, T., Everett, K., Bullock, L., (2024). Rural mothers’ habitus and infant feeding practices. National Rural Health Association, Annual Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, May 2024
  • Weston, K. Anbari, A., Bloom, T., Everett, K., Bullock, L., (2024). Habitus and infant feeding practices among rural mothers. Poster Discussion Presentation. Midwest Nursing Research Society, Annual Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, March 2024
  • Weston, K. & Bullock, L. (2022). The influence of habitus on neonatal feeding decisions among rural mothers. Poster presentation. APHA’s 2022 Annual Meeting & Expo.: Boston, MA, November 2022.

In the news


New research sheds light on breastfeeding barriers in rural communities

SSON study examines factors impacting why rural first-time moms often switch from breastfeeding to formula feeding their infants.


Karry Weston – PhD Spotlight

Karry Weston’s work in maternal health care was showcased in a recent article in Show Me Mizzou.


Supportive communities can help increase breastfeeding rates for moms, SSON study finds

Findings can help boost support systems and education about the health benefits of breastfeeding, particularly in rural areas where breastfeeding is less common.