
PhD Prepared Faculty

Jan Sherman


  • Teaching Professor
  • Adjunct Professor – Child Heath, Neonatology, University of Missouri

Faculty Mentoring Status / Research & Teaching Emphasis Areas

Jan Sherman
Clinical Practice Area:


Dr. Sherman has been a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP) since 1990. She has been listed as a U.S. “Top Neonatal Nursing Professor.” Expertise in neonatal care, combined with extensive skill in research design and statistical analysis, has led to her inclusion in several national and international neonatal research projects. Much of Dr. Sherman’s involvement in research has focused on the use of lactoferrin, a multifunctional human milk protein, in reducing neonatal morbidity and mortality. She works closely with her husband, Dr. Alan Lucas of Cambridge and Oxford, to study the effects of exclusive human milk feedings in preterm infants.This unique research area, as well as other areas of multidisciplinary research, combined with her clinical expertise, have resulted in 92 publications and 199 presentations, along with worldwide news releases.

Dr. Sherman is also a skilled statistician, coordinating quality improvement projects for Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) students of all specialties. She has received teaching recognition, including the nursing student-voted Outstanding MSN/DNP Faculty Award in 2021.

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nursing (STTI)
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society

Named as one of the “Top Neonatal Nursing Professors” 2014 – 2022 http://www.nursepractitionerschools.com/blog/neonatal-nursing-professors (link no longer active)

University of Missouri – Columbia: Nominated for the Excellence in Education Award 2016
University of Missouri – Columbia SSON: Nominated for the Graduate Mentor Award 2017
University of Missouri – Columbia SSON: Nominated for the MS/DNP Faculty Award 2020
University of Missouri – Columbia SSON: Outstanding MS/DNP Graduate Faculty Award 2021
University of Missouri – Columbia SSON:
Nominated for the Governor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching 2022

Funded Research Grants and Contracts

Statistician for Grant Number: 1 H79 FG000043-01. 2020 – 2022
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services. Project Title: Expansion of Practitioner Education.
PD/PI: Butler, Miriam D. Institution: University of Missouri – Columbia, Sinclair School of Nursing.
Grant Amount: $199,617.00

Coordinator for Curriculum Development and Training. Grant Number 1C1CMS331001-01-00 2012 – 2014
from the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Leveraging Information Technology to Guide High Tech High Touch Care (LIGHT2)
University of Missouri – Columbia, School of Medicine.
Grant Amount: $13.3 million

Research Nurse for NIH Grant Number: R41 HD046305-01A1 2009 – 2012
Protocol # LF-0901: Phase 1 – 2 Study of Talactoferrin Oral Solution for Prevention of
Nosocomial Infection in Preterm Infants.
University of Missouri – Columbia, School of Medicine.
Grant Amount: $865,157.00

Refereed Published Articles
1. Lucas, A., Sherman, J., & Fewtrell, M. (2022). Post-discharge Nutrition in Preterm Infants. NeoReviews, 23(8),
e541–e557. https://doi.org/10.1542/neo.23-8-e541

2. Lucas, A., Assad, M., Sherman, J., Boscardin, J., & Abrams, S. (2020). Safety of Cow’s Milk-Derived Fortifiers
used with an All-Human Milk Base Diet in Very Low Birthweight Preterm Infants: Part II. Neonatology Today.
October, 15 (10), 3 – 8.

3. Lucas, A., Assad, M., Sherman, J., Boscardin, J., & Abrams, S. (2020). Safety of Cow’s Milk-Derived Fortifiers
used with an All-Human Milk Base Diet in Very Low Birthweight Preterm Infants. Neonatology Today. July, 15
(7), 3 – 13.

4. Jeffrey, P., Harris, R., Sherman, J. (2019). Quality Improvement: A Practical Nursing Program’s Admission Test.
Nurse Education Today. Volume 73, February 2019, 65-70. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30522047/

5. Wahidi, L. S., Reese, J., Underwood, M. A., Sherman, J., & Niklas, V. (2018). A Missing Piece from the World of
Science: Remembering Michael P. Sherman. NeoReviews Mar 2018, 19 (3) e130-e133; doi: 10.1542/neo.19-3-

1. Lucas, A., Sherman, J., & Abrams, S. (2020). A New Appraisal of the Adverse Effects of Cow’s Milk Derived
Products in Neonatal Care. 8th Congress of European Pediatric Societies (EAPS). Barcelona, Spain.
October 16-19, 2020

2. Lucas, A., Sherman, J., Assad, M., Abrams, S. (2019). Adverse Effects of Cow’s Milk-Based Fortifier (CMDF)
Occur Despite Use of a 100% Human Milk Base Diet: A Meta-Analysis. 3rd Congress of Joint European
Neonatal Societies (jENS 2019). Pediatric Research, 86, p. 22. 17 September 2019. doi:10.1038/s41390-019-

3. Abrams, S., Sherman, J. & Lucas, A. (2019). Adverse Effects of Cow’s Milk Based Fortifiers Occur despite Pre-
fortification use of a 100% Human Milk Based Diet; a Meta-analysis. Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) 2019
Meeting, April 27-30, 2019. Baltimore.

1. September 9, 2020: MIZZOU in the News https://www.futurity.org/human-based-milk-fortifiers-premature-
2. August 28, 2020: KFRU morning show with David Lile (https://www.kfru.com/shows/columbia-morning-with-
david-lile/). Spotlight on Mizzou.
3. August 28, 2020: University of Missouri Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) online
newsletter http://mizzoudata.imodules.com/controls/email_marketing/view_in_browser.aspx?
4. August 12, 2020: Got milk? Human milk based fortifiers improve health outcomes for the smallest premature
babies https://showme.missouri.edu/2020/got-milk-human-milk-based-fortifiers-improve-health-outcomes-

Bissinger, R. L. & Annibale, D. J. (2019). Golden Hours: Care of the Very Low Birthweight Infant (2nd ed). Chicago: The National Certification Corporation (NCC). ISBN: 978-0-9890198-4-2
Chapter 12: Fluid and Electrolytes

Title Date Location
1. A New Appraisal of the Adverse Effects of October 16-19, 2020 8th Congress of European
Cow’s Milk Derived Products in Neonatal Care Pediatric Societies (EAPS).
(Oral Presentation) Barcelona, Spain

2. Adverse Effects of Cow’s Milk Based Fortifiers September 20, 2019 3rd Congress of joint
Occur despite Pre-fortification use of a Neonatal Societies. European
100% Human Milk Based Diet; a Meta-analysis Maastricht, Netherlands
(Oral Presentation)
3. Early Persistent Blood Eosinophilia in September 19, 2015 1st Congress of joint
Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis: A Predictor European Societies.
of Late Complications (Poster) Budapest, Hungary.

1. How to Produce Quality Research in Neonatology September 25, 2019 XIII SWAN Conference
Baylor, Scott, and White
Health. Temple, Texas

2. Adverse Effects of Cow’s Milk Based Fortifiers April 29, 2019 Pediatric Academic Societies
Occur despite Pre-fortification use of a Annual Meeting: Baltimore,
100% Human Milk Based Diet: A meta-analysis Maryland