Frequently Asked Questions about the RN to BSN Program

Here are the most frequently asked questions for the RN to BSN program. Feel free to contact student services at the Sinclair School of Nursing if you have additional questions.

Will the general education requirements I took from a community college transfer?

Yes. The Sinclair School of Nursing Academic Advisors work with students individually to identify all courses from community colleges and previous university or college credit that are transferrable toward the baccalaureate degree. The University of Missouri is committed to creating seamless transitions for associate degree graduates. Learn more at Missouri’s admission requirements page.

Does the RN to BSN program require precepted clinical hours?

Yes. The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) requires all post-licensure baccalaureate programs to include a direct care focus. This direct care experience is integrated into the Community Health course requirement.

Do I have to come to campus during the program?

No. The RN-BSN program is completely online. There are no required on-campus visits, however, faculty and staff are always glad to welcome any of our students who want to visit campus or plan face to face meetings with faculty or advisors.