
PhD Prepared Faculty

Jamie L. Morton


  • Assistant Professor

Faculty Mentoring Status / Research & Teaching Emphasis Areas

Jamie Morton

Dr. Jamie Morton’s program of research is focused on improving optimal pain management in women’s health with the intent to prevent substance use disorder development, particularly in underserved populations such as rural communities. She has special interests in community-based research, promotion of nonpharmacologic chronic pain interventions promoted via behavior change strategies, and stigma reduction.

  • Exploring Pain, Trauma, Substance Use Disorder and Family Dysfunction in Childbearing Aged Females, PI: Morton. Lila M Johnson Fund, University of Iowa College of Nursing, $ 5,000. (2024-2025)
  • Exploring Perinatal Prescription Opioid Use and Misuse in Rural Settings, PI: Morton. Joseph & Jean Buckwalter Dissertation Grant, Midwest Nursing Research Society, $2,500. (2021-2022)
  • T32 Postdoctoral fellowship, Interdisciplinary Pain Research Training NINDS/NIH, 32NS045549-16A1, (PIs: Sluka & Usachev), Trainee: Morton. (2023-2025)
  • Recipient, American Society for Pain Management Nursing Rising Star Award (2024)
  • Recipient, Midwest Nursing Research Society; Perinatal, Sexual, and Reproductive Health RIIG 2022-2023 Outstanding Dissertation Award.
  • Morton, J., Bloom, T., Anbari, A., St. Marie, B., Tenkku Lepper, L., & Bullock, L. (2024). A qualitative exploration of perinatal opioid users’ pain-related experiences. Pain Management Nursing, 25(5), 501-509. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmn.2024.04.017
  • Morton, J., Vignato, J., Anbari, A. (2023). Stigma experienced by perinatal women with opioid dependency in the United States: A qualitative metasynthesis. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 45(9), 843-853. https://doi.org/10.1177/01939459231182495
  • Ozturk, R., Herbell, K., Morton, J., Bloom, T. (2021). “The worst time of my life”: Treatment-related stress and unmet needs of women living with infertility. Journal of Community Psychology, 49(5), 1121-1133. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22527
  • Anbari, A., Sun, Y., McCaffrey, S., Morton, J., & Armer, JM. (2021). The impact of breast cancer-related lymphedema on rural and small-town survivors’ return-to-work and quality of life: A multiple-case study. Cancer Treatment Research and Communications, 29, 100459. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ctarc.2021.100459
  • Morton, J. (2024, October 15-19) Socio-environmental and System-Related Experiences of Perinatal Women with Histories of Opioid Misuse. American Society for Pain Management Nursing’s 34th National Conference, San Antonio, TX. (Podium).
  • St. Marie, B., Morton, J., Vance, C., Chen, S., Perkhounkova, Y., Lee, J., & Hein, M. (2024, October 15-19). TENS Use for People with Opioid Use Disorder for Reduction of Craving, Withdrawal, and Pain: A Pilot Study. American Society for Pain Management Nursing’s 34th National Conference, San Antonio, TX. (Poster).
  • Morton, J., St. Marie, B., & Vignato, J. (2024, February 29). Exploration of Rural-Urban Variances in Pain, Depression Symptoms, and Quality of Life during Third Trimester of Pregnancy. Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN. (Poster discussion presentation)
  • Morton, J. (2023, April 1). Exploration of the Experiences of Perinatal Prescription Opioid Use and Misuse. Midwest Nursing Research Society Research Conference, Des Moines, IA. (Podium)
  • Morton, J., Vignato, J. & Anbari, A.B (2022, Sept 14-17). Maternal Fall From Grace: Experiences of Perinatal Opioid Misuse. American Society for Pain Management Nursing 32nd National Conference, Indian Wells, CA. (Podium)

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Jamie Morton receives research grant from the Midwest Nursing Research Society

June 14, 2021 Original story by Show Me Mizzou Accolades Here Jamie Morton, a University of Missouri Sinclair School of Nursing PhD student and health behavior science pre-doctoral fellow, recently received the 2021 Joseph & Jean Buckwalter Research Grant from the Midwest Nursing Research Society. The grant will support her dissertation research project entitled “Exploring…