Holistic Admission Criteria for Mizzou Nursing School

Admissions Mission Statement

The Sinclair School of Nursing strives to prepare students to meet the challenges and diverse needs of individuals, communities, and populations in which they will serve. We believe a quality nursing education must provide an inclusive learning environment in which individuals from various backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives have the opportunity to gain the knowledge and experience needed for entry into the profession.

In providing this inclusive learning environment, several criteria may be considered during the holistic admission process to reflect our professional community. Admission to the nursing program is based on a combination of criteria including: each student’s unique experiences, attributes, and academic metrics.


  • Coursework: Applicants must complete, or be in progress, in the sixty credits of pre-nursing curriculum.
  • Grade Point Average: Applicants must obtain a minimum 3.25 GPA (without rounding) in the pre-nursing curriculum.
  • Resume: To be considered for admission, each applicant must submit a resume of the student’s work and volunteer experiences.
  • Interview: Students will be evaluated based on several attributes including: understanding the role of a nurse, compassion, ability to think critically, effective communication, teamwork, resiliency, inclusivity and integrity/ethical decision making.