Luna and Chewie have 4 of their own pets – dad, momma, the boy, and the little one. All of them are hoomans and were rescued by Luna and Chewie. They’re not ones to brag, but they’ve been able to teach their four pets several tricks that result in Luna and Chewie getting treats. They describe themselves as dogs, hairy, bacon. Oh also dogs. And bacon. Since they were young pups, they’ve had a crush on Spuds McKenzie. They have a healthy fear of SKY BOOM-BOOMS! Have you heard those things… THEY’RE TERRIFYING?! If they had their way, they’d invent a new holiday – Today is Feed Your Dog Anything They Want, Any Time They Want Day – and of course their favorite food is bacon! Know what their favorite ice cream flavor is? BACON! In high school Chewie was voted Most Likely to Need a Bath while Luna was voted Most Princess-Floof-Ful. If money was no object, they’d really like their parents to know that all they want to do all day is sleep. And treats. And bacon. They love their crate-caves; they’re comfy. They readily admit they would not last in the wilderness… way too pampered. Their wolf ancestors would likely just look at them and shake their heads slowly in disappointment.
Luna and Chewie
- SSON Mascots